

A missing tooth can have an impact on your appearance and oral functions. But the pressure that your tooth and root exert on your jaw keeps that bone strong so it can support your smile. Without that tooth, you will begin to lose mass in your jaw, a process known as resorption. At Palm Desert Center for Advanced Dentistry, Periodontics, Cosmetics & Implants, our dentists and team offer bone grafting in Palm Desert, California. We may suggest this treatment prior to placing a dental implant. For more information and to plan a visit, call our office at (760) 797-7434 today.

What Is Dental Bone Grafting and Why Do We Use It?

Dental bone grafting is a crucial procedure that plays a vital role in ensuring the success of dental implant surgeries. When individuals lack sufficient bone tissue to support teeth or implants, or due to past gum disease, a bone graft becomes essential for restoring oral health.

Bone grafting is often performed alongside dental implant surgery to provide the necessary support and structure needed for long-term stability. It helps in enhancing the success rate of dental implants by creating a suitable foundation for new teeth.

By addressing bone deficiencies and supporting tissue regeneration, bone grafting not only improves oral function but also enhances aesthetic outcomes. Understanding the importance of this lesser-known therapy can significantly benefit individuals seeking reliable solutions for their dental health needs. Dental bone grafting is indeed a critical procedure that is essential for the success of dental implant surgeries. Without sufficient bone tissue to support teeth or implants, or due to past gum disease, a bone graft becomes necessary for restoring oral health. When performed alongside dental implant surgery, bone grafting provides the support and structure required for long-term stability. This significantly enhances the success rate of dental implants by creating a solid foundation for new teeth. By addressing bone deficiencies and promoting tissue regeneration, bone grafting not only improves oral function but also enhances aesthetic outcomes. It is

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Commonly Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of a dental bone graft?

    A dental bone graft serves a crucial purpose in restoring and strengthening the jawbone. It is a procedure commonly used to prepare the jaw for dental implants by creating a solid foundation. This process helps replace missing bone and provides support for new teeth.

    By using bone grafts, dentists can enhance oral health, improve aesthetics, and ensure the long-term success of dental implant procedures. This section will delve into the importance of dental bone grafts, their applications in various dental treatments, and how they contribute to overall oral health and well-being.

  • How is a dental bone graft procedure performed?

    1. The dentist numbs the area with a local anesthetic
    2. The dentist makes a small incision in the gums.
    3. The dentist moves the gum tissue back so the jawbone is visible.
    4. The dentist cleans and disinfects the area.
    5. The surgeon removes a small portion of bone using special tools.
    6. The surgeon inserts the bone graft between the two pieces of bone that need to grow together.
    7. The surgeon secures the bone graft with special screws, if necessary.
    8. The surgeon makes any other necessary repairs
  • What are the benefits of getting a dental bone graft?

    Dental bone grafting offers a range of benefits for patients seeking to improve their oral health and restore missing teeth. By reinforcing the jawbone structure, this procedure provides a solid foundation for dental implants, ensuring long-term stability and functionality. Additionally, bone grafts can enhance facial aesthetics by maintaining proper bone volume and preventing the collapse of facial features. Overall, the benefits of dental bone grafting extend beyond just restoring oral function to improving overall quality of life for individuals seeking to regain confidence in their smile.

  • How long does it take to recover from a dental bone graft surgery?

    Though you will probably feel back to normal within a week or two, complete dental bone graft healing can take between three and nine months – sometimes longer. Recovery times depend on several factors, including the type of graft, the area in which the graft was placed and your body's healing capacity.

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